Character Profiles & Screen Testing

Creating character profiles enable us, as film makers, to ensure fictional characters are as realistic as possible to form the correct impression upon the audience and for continuity within the action. 

Character Profiling

The two characters in our film opening is female lead, 'The Temptress' and her male client who is killed at the end of the opening.

The Temptress is a female prostitute who is in her early 20s and has a past history of being a victim of sexual abuse- which conforms to the stereotype of a slasher antagonist who is often traumatised at an early age- which leads her to become a serial killer, killing her male clients. She is stereo-typically feminine in terms of her costume and she uses her sexuality and attraction to her advantage to lure men to their death.

The male client is only seen in the opening of the film and he is used to establish the Temptress as a killer. He is a confident business man like figure, suggested by his smart suit, who is in his 20s. He seems to have no regard for the prostitutes that he hires, with a questionable sense of morality.

Screen Testing

Before shooting, we took some screen test photos to make sure that the actors chosen were suitable enough to fit the role they were playing, and that their costume worked well and added to the plot.

Although I feel that the Temptress looks rather young for the role, seeing  as her face is only seen in glimpses or behind a mask throughout the entire opening, her young appearance isn't a major worry.

We feel like the actor for the male client fits the role as he looks of a suitable age; though the face of our male victim is not seen throughout the opening.

                                                                       - E
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